Session I - Introduction to Agent Based Modeling
Ali Seyhun Saral (Uni. Bologna)
Institute of Psychology at Leiden University.
13 June 2022
Simple rules lead to seemingly sophisticated behavior (Reynolds 1987)
“LEGO House” by georgivar is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.
The complexity of scientific models was limited by its mathematical tractability.
Computer simlations relaxed relaxed this limitation.
ABM’s are less simplified in a specific way:
(See Railsback and Grimm 2019. For more, p.11)
Describes a relationship between a low-level system (micro) and a high-level (macro) system.
Macro-level phenomena can only be derived by studying micro-level phenomena.
Simple interactions between a system’s elements lead to unexpected global behavior (Epstein 1999)
(Romanowska, Wren, and Crabtree 2021)
Some features:
John von Neumann (1903-1957)
Mesa (Python)
AgentPy (Python)